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How Long Does PRP Last?

How Long Does PRP Last?

Platelet-rich plasma treatment is an innovative way to treat the signs of aging on the neck, face, or decolletage. This treatment can help soften and diminish the appearance of fine lines and wrinkles and uses the patient’s own blood. The blood helps to promote collagen and elastin production and rejuvenates your skin. PRP promotes tissue regeneration, and patients can see results up to a few weeks after only one treatment. A laser is used to help the blood mixture properly penetrate the skin to reveal new and younger skin. This treatment is long-lasting, and results can be seen up to two years after treatment.

How Does PRP Treatment Work?

The treatment begins with our team taking a blood sample. This blood sample is placed in a centrifuge which spins the blood to separate the plasma. A gentle laser is used along with the blood mixture to create tiny holes in the skin. These holes allow the PRP mixture to deeply penetrate the skin and provide immediate benefits.

PRP treatment promotes collagen production as well as healing, and results can be seen within three to four weeks after treatment. This treatment requires multiple sessions to achieve the desired results and can be combined with other treatments such as micro-needling to enhance the effects even more. After PRP treatment your skin will look hydrated, healthier, and youthful. Your fine lines and wrinkles will be reduced, and your confidence will be restored.

What Are Common Areas for PRP Laser Treatment?

  • Face
  • Neck
  • Decolletage
  • Sun-damaged areas
  • Hands

What Can I Expect if I Choose PRP Laser Treatment?

PRP laser treatment has many benefits and is minimally invasive and not painful. After treatment patients may notice redness or swelling. The skin may peel, and this depends on the level of laser treatment used. Any swelling or redness should subside after a few days to around a week after treatment. There is little downtime required, and patients can return to their normal routine immediately after treatment. We recommend patients avoid exposure to the sun during the healing process. 

Are You Interested in PRP Laser Treatment?

If you are ready to find out more about how PRP laser treatment can benefit you, we encourage you to schedule a consultation with us. Our doctors have years of experience in helping patients achieve beautiful skin. PRP laser treatment can produce glowing, smooth skin, and help with those aging areas on the face or neck. Let PRP laser treatment help you turn back the clock, restore your confidence, and give you that youthful glow.

To schedule your appointment, contact The Vanity Bar, and our staff will be happy to assist you.